Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Loom Network (LOOM) Price Prediction for 2024,2025, 2030, 2035

By Jul 30, 2024

About LoomNetwork

Loom Network is a multichain interoperability platform — live in production — that’s connected to other major blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance Chain, and Tron. Deploy your dapp just once to Loom Network’s Basechain and reach the largest user base possible, so you can simply focus on your dapp development and business growth. Enjoy having no gas fees for users, 1 – 3 second confirmation times, and automatically get connected to every major blockchain using any kind of wallet.

Basechain on Loom

Basechain is an interoperable DPoS blockchain that is live in production, EVM-compatible, audited, battle-tested, and secured by 21+ validators as well as thousands of individual token delegators. If you’ve ever deployed to Ethereum, the process is very similar. And if you already have a dapp on Ethereum, you can port it to Basechain in no time — for much greater scalability and reach. Not only are we interoperable with the major blockchains of today, but we will actively support new networks and protocols as they emerge.Don’t get locked in or build in a silo. Future-proof your dapp with Loom Network — deploy once and get multichain usability.

Coin Website:
Total Supply of Tokens: 1,300,000,000 LOOM
Protocol: Ethereum

Long Term Price Prediction Table

Presented below is a long term price prediction table that was made using available market and coin information to predict possible future peaks and low points in this assets price. offers informational price predictions and not financial investment advice.

YearEst. Min. PriceEst. Max. Price

Top Volume Exchanges

125XTrade on Binance
200XTrade on ByBit
125XTrade on BitGet
100XTrade on Gate
125XTrade on OKX
200XTrade on MEXC

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I buy LOOM?

You can purchase this coin on one of the many exchanges that have it available for trading. If you don’t have an account on any exchange, choose one from the exchanges list on this page.

Where can I store LOOM Tokens?

If you don’t want to keep it in your exchange account’s balance, a wide range of wallets support the Ethereum Protocol, some storage options include: MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase wallet.

What is a Trading Score?

The Bullcoins Trading Score is based on overall Coin Exchange Performance and Trader Sentiment. This Rating doesn’t signal live market conditions. The order of these scores is: Low, Average, Fair, Good and Excellent

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